Thursday, June 7, 2012

Topa Worries and Continued Loss

171.2 today. Awesome! I was going to wait until tomorrow to weigh, but I'm glad I didn't. I needed that boost.

Despite the nearly constant headaches, sweating and weird stomach feelings (not to mentioned involuntary teeth clenching, scalp pain, hair loss, inability to concentrate and muscle cramps), Topamax is effing KILLING right now in ALL the right ways when it comes to quick and consistent weight loss. I don't know what I'll do when I run out.

I've even started to look for more online, but it's so expensive and I don't have any money to spend on anything aside from bills, groceries, gas and diapers. Oh, and liquor and cigarettes. Two things I shouldn't be spending money on anyway.

*le sigh* Simple answer to my dilemma... Finish up the Topa I have and don't get any more after that. The whole point of taking it at all was to get a jump start on my weight loss. I'm already getting that. As long as I don't gain it all back when I'm out of the meds, I'll be good.

I can't lie and say I won't be disappointed when the weight stops dropping off like crazy, but I know deep down that this isn't a sustainable plan of action. I've tried that. Eight months of this shit and I was thin as a rail, yes, but I was also miserable beyond belief. I said I would never go down that road again.

So why did I keep the pills?

Ha. My mind is so screwed up.

Anyway. Time for work. Kisses, ya'll.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I will be skinny by the end of this...

Random drunk posting... Woohoo! BONUS!

Just a short one... Btw, I just almost typed "short" as oshrt.

I'm SO awesome like that.

But yeah. I didn't eat dinner last night. I totally skipped it, all on the sly. I heated it. Set it on the table. Waited for the fiancee to have a cig break and put it in the fridge and proceeded to feed the baby. When he came back in... Oops, I already finished mine (I'm sorry, Love, if you ever read this and think me horrible, but I'm doing what I feel I must do. Lock me away if you must, but know that I will never be slender/skinny/fit/thin/pretty again if I don't do this NOW).

I HAVE to have dinner tonight, it seems, because there is take-out involved. Granted, I can pull the whole "I've had enough and the baby needs me" trick (which I haven't done nearly enough to ruin me yet)... God, babe, I hope you don't read this anytime soon. I want to get thin again before you stop me. As I write this, drunkenly, you are sitting not four feet from me on the balcony and all I want to do is be pretty for you again.

NOTE: I know that THAT is the WRONG reason to do this. I KNOW THIS. I KNOW IT TO THE CORE OF ME. And yet... I can't get away from it. Not yet. Maybe when I regain a sense of self-confidence, maybe, I will be able to see that getting small and healthy again is a good thing for ME. FOR MYSELF.

Sorry for all for all of the caps and the rambling. I reiterate. Alcohol.

Thanks to all of you who still read. I wish that I could figure out how to get all of my old followers to find me here. If any of you that do read this one DO know how to do that... Could you please let me know? I miss my old followship.

Stay lovely, all of you.


Crushed Red Pepper and Down FOUR Pounds... w00t!

So as of two days ago, I've decided to put a metric shit ton of crushed red pepper on at least one meal every day. Works out well because I like spicy things anyway, but the main point is to boost the ol' metabolism a little. Give the Topa a little help (like it needs any!).

Speaking of that very thing... Two days ago, I weighed 176.something-or-other. Post-miniature-binge of roasted Brussels sprouts and two thin (but baked, not fried) pork chops. Okay. So I hated that number, obviously. I decided not to weigh the next day, but to try my damnedest to reverse the damage.

Today? 172.8. SWEET! I love how a number can trick my mind into thinking I see a difference in the fucking mirror, too. That's just downright hilarious.

When I get down to 165, maybe I'll post a picture. I do know that as soon as I start my INSANITY workout in earnest, I'll be posting photos weekly to track my progress.

Anyway... Guess I should get to work for the day. Love you, lovies.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Jumping Headfirst?

So I have a bit of Topamax left from over a year ago.

I just took my first one about ten minutes ago. Any weird feelings I have in my stomach or head are obviously psychosomatic in nature, which is why it's hilarious that I actually feel lightheaded, dizzy and nauseous. Stupid, silly brain.

I lost so much on the Topa before, almost effortlessly. I've been considering taking these for months, but yesterday was the deciding factor. I was brave enough to purchase a bikini top and wear it to the pool. No bottom yet... Just shorts. I honestly don't know if I'll ever be able to wear one, but we'll see. I did, once upon a time. Anyway.

I took a picture. It's kind of crappy, but showing my belly at the pool was a momentous enough occasion to warrant a photo.

I could hardly stand to be in public that way, but I did it anyway. I need my belly and back to get as tan as the rest of me. Couldn't stand the internal, infernal comparisons in my head... The girls that are obviously 15, 16, etc. have never had kids, much less eating disorders that have, over a period of four years, essentially wrecked their metabolisms. WTF am I thinking, comparing my body to theirs? Ridiculous. And yet, I can't stop. Ah, I'm brilliant sometimes, you know?

I suppose I should get to work. Make that bank, stack 'dem papers and what have you.

Stay lovely, darlings.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I'm too buzzed and busy to write, and yet here I am.

My beautiful little girl is scooting herself about on the floor, intermittently squealing and talking and blowing hilarious raspberries. I love it.

I don't know that I have a lot to say, but I feel compelled to write anyway.

I can't stand being as big as I am. I've hardly eaten anything today and I feel okay. That's strange. Dinner has yet to come, but I'm not hungry. I'll gladly prepare dinner for everyone else, but... honestly, I have no desire to put a single bit of anything in my mouth unless it's water, alcohol or a certain someone's special parts.

Okay, TMI. It's my fucking blog, bitches. ;) I love you all.


I do have to go to do the dinner thing and finish laundry and to make the bed and take care of the girls and finish the dishes... Oh, and that's only 1/3 of the things that I had wanted to do today. But yes... Pointless post ended.

As my once iconic (in the Blogosphere) tattoo states, Stay Lovely, my darlings.

As always,


Friday, June 1, 2012


So I just woke up and my brain is still asleep. Judge me if you want. Whatever.

It's apparent to me that I need to be more positive in general. I pride myself on being the optimist in this relationship, but lately it seems that I've allowed myself to become more jaded than I've ever been, even considering my ridiculous past. I put on a happy face for most of the world for most of the time, but when it's just me, alone, I begin to dwell upon everything that's wrong with my body, mind and life (I know that there's not too much wrong with my life, when you look at the big picture. I could be starving and homeless out in the streets. I could be dying of some terminal disease. I could have lost my limbs in a freak accident or become a vegetable and be a burden to everyone who loves me. I know my life isn't that fucking bad, but I still reserve the right to complain about it.).

See? Told you I was still asleep. I'm rambling.

I want a macaw. They're pretty. Also, the baby makes the funniest sounds when she sees them on Nick, Jr. and I like that.

Anyway, I guess my point is that, though I know I need to be in therapy, I can't afford it and, since I don't want to be miserable, I should at least attempt to make myself better in any way I can. I need to stop being so down on myself constantly. It doesn't make me happy and it makes everyone around me upset as well, especially my significant other. I put so much of myself into making his life better every day and then I go and ruin it by starting a long and drawn out argument about how much I fail at life. Oh, yes, I bet I'm a goddamned JOY to be around.

Ha... I just did it again. STOP IT. STOP IT RIGHT MEOW.

I'm going to get to work now and focus on the positive. In fact, here's a small exercise that I've just fashioned for myself. I hope it's effective.

Today's Five Random Stuffs of Positivity:

* I have two AMAZING daughters who think the world of me, no matter what.
* My mother-in-law is AWESOME. How many women adore their husband's mother?
* I've developed a pretty nice tan on my legs over the past month. That's nice.
* I sold my fucking car. Finally. $350 toward the "we're broke as fuck" fund.

Okay, I'm done. The Backyardigans is on and the tiny one is blowing raspberries at the television. It's making me happier already.