Random drunk posting... Woohoo! BONUS!
Just a short one... Btw, I just almost typed "short" as oshrt.
I'm SO awesome like that.
But yeah. I didn't eat dinner last night. I totally skipped it, all on the sly. I heated it. Set it on the table. Waited for the fiancee to have a cig break and put it in the fridge and proceeded to feed the baby. When he came back in... Oops, I already finished mine (I'm sorry, Love, if you ever read this and think me horrible, but I'm doing what I feel I must do. Lock me away if you must, but know that I will never be slender/skinny/fit/thin/pretty again if I don't do this NOW).
I HAVE to have dinner tonight, it seems, because there is take-out involved. Granted, I can pull the whole "I've had enough and the baby needs me" trick (which I haven't done nearly enough to ruin me yet)... God, babe, I hope you don't read this anytime soon. I want to get thin again before you stop me. As I write this, drunkenly, you are sitting not four feet from me on the balcony and all I want to do is be pretty for you again.
NOTE: I know that THAT is the WRONG reason to do this. I KNOW THIS. I KNOW IT TO THE CORE OF ME. And yet... I can't get away from it. Not yet. Maybe when I regain a sense of self-confidence, maybe, I will be able to see that getting small and healthy again is a good thing for ME. FOR MYSELF.
Sorry for all for all of the caps and the rambling. I reiterate. Alcohol.
Thanks to all of you who still read. I wish that I could figure out how to get all of my old followers to find me here. If any of you that do read this one DO know how to do that... Could you please let me know? I miss my old followship.
Stay lovely, all of you.
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